Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We’re Open!

As of yesterday, our storefront is officially open! There are six kinds of fair-trade coffee, plus t-shirt, hats, etc. Everything purchased helps orphans all over the world, not just our little girl in China. Please take a peek and spread the word! http://www.justlovecoffee.com/FathmanFamily

In case you were wondering, we are on day 71 of our wait for our LOA. PLEASE join us in prayer to bring our little girl home! God sets the lonely in families…I know that he desires the same for Min Zhi!



1 comment:

  1. I'm also a MI mom and as of this Friday (10/30) we will be on day 75 of waiting for our daughter's LOA. It's so hard to wait, but His timing is best.
